
Highest MICHEL number per country

Most stamps per country

Most stamps per country

(Last 20 years)

Average value per country

Average value per country

(Last 50 years)

Average value per country

(Last 20 years)

Average value per country

(Last 10 years)

Average value per country

(begin - 1899)

Average value per country

(1900 - 1950)

Average value per country

(1951 - 2000)

Average value per country

(2001 - present)

Most expensive stamps

Most expensive stamps

(Last 50 years)

Most expensive stamps

(Last 20 years)

Most expensive stamps

(Last 10 years)

Average amount of stamps per year per country

Average amount of stamps per year per country

(Laatste 50 jaar)

Average amount of stamps per year per country

(Laatste 20 jaar)

Average amount of stamps per year per country

(Laatste 10 jaar)

Welcome to the Postage Stamp statistic website

This website was designed to show some statistics of postage stamps from all over the world. This site is for anybody who has an interest in statistics.

If you have ideas of other statistics, please send an email to Michael Posthuma.